For example, the Transform operator allows you to modify the content of the XML feeds or filter out unnecessary elements in the feed. 例如,Transform操作器允许修改XMLfeed的内容,或者过滤掉feed中不必要的元素。
You also can filter the contents of a list feed or a cell feed, such that the feed returns only rows or cells matching specific criteria. 还可以过滤列表提要或单元格提要的内容,从而使提要只返回匹配特定条件的行或单元格。
From the order amount feed, use the Filter operator to select the set-of-order amount associated with a given salesman. 在订单量feed中,使用Filter运算符选择与给定销售人员关联的订单集合。
The mashup hub can be used to transform ( filter, restructure, sort) the data in creating an aggregated feed that is returned to the mashup application as an Atom feed. 在创建作为Atomfeed返回给mashup应用程序的聚合feed时,可以使用mashuphub转换(过滤、重构、排序)数据。
The product ID ( PID) for each sales entry is passed to the PID variable that was created in the filter condition of the product feed. 每个销售条目的产品ID(PID)被传递给PID变量,该变量是在产品提要的过滤条件中创建的。
This layer acts as a filter and transformation Web service for the news feed layer that transforms it into a desired XML compatible format for the purposes of aggregation. 这一层用于为新闻Feed层筛选和转换Web服务,并为了实现聚合而将其转换为所需的XML兼容格式。
You can filter this live feed by All updates, by Recommendations from the developerWorks editorial staff, by tool ( Profiles, Groups, Blogs, etc.), or by Articles, Downloads, or Forums. 可以根据所有更新、developerWorks编辑提供的建议、工具(概要信息、组、博客等等)或者文章、下载或论坛来对实时提要进行过滤。
Analysis is given in the paper of effect of some main factors on chamber filter press operation such as feeding pressure, feed thickness and particle size etc. 介绍了厢式压滤机的工作原理,结合在现场的使用情况,从入料压力、浓度、粒度等方面重点分析了影响厢式压滤机运行状况的几个主要因素。
According to the stamping process for the stainless steel filter, a die which can feed automatically by its own structure was developed. 通过对气液不锈钢过滤网冲压工艺进行分析,介绍了一种可使零件压弯、整形并通过自身结构实现自动走料的模具。
Being aim at pressure filter of TZJ96-3 type and GPJ96Z/ 3-C type, feed gate and proximity swith of collecting and controling its signal to be in position occurs as defect. 针对TZJ96-3和GPJ96Z/3-C型号的加压过滤机,排料闸板与采集并控制其开关到位信号的接近开关,在安装方式上存在设计缺陷。
Discussion on NPSH problems in selecting filter press feed pump 压滤机入料泵选型中汽蚀余量问题的探讨
The pump is warmed up by running on closed circulation between pump and the Filter Feed drum. 通过泵与过滤器进料泵之间的闭路循环运行来热泵。
The pulsative flow of feed liquid in a filter chamber was made through adding a pulsative extrusion pressure to the feed tube based on the principle of the enhanced membrane filtration process of instable fluid. 根据流体不稳定流动强化膜滤过程原理,通过对进料管道施加脉动挤压力,造成料浆在滤室内的脉动流动。
Prospect of application of large& scale bag filter at rotary kiln feed end 大型袋除尘器在回转窑窑尾应用的前景探讨
This paper analyzes the principle of the active DC filter ( ADF) applied in the HVDC system. A composite control strategy, in which the harmonic source current and the compensation current are respectively measured as the compensation object and the feed back signal, is proposed. 文中分析了应用在HVDC直流侧的有源直流滤波器的工作原理,从跟踪控制的角度出发,选取谐波源电流作为检测对象,把补偿电流作为反馈信号,构建了基于近似逆系统控制的复合控制;
This paper introduces two ways to improve the efficiency of diatomaceous earth ( DE) filtration, the reuse of filter cake and putting chemicals into precoating or body feed with DE can obviously extend the filtration cycle and save the consumption of DE. 介绍了提高硅藻土过滤效能的两种方法&滤饼重复使用和投加化学药剂可达到延长过滤周期、节省硅藻土用量的显著效果。
This filter uses several parallel-coupling ring resonators and direct-coupling structure between feed lines and rings. 该滤波器采用数个环形谐振器平行耦合,而输入输出馈线与环形谐振器之间采用直接耦合。
We promote the precision of control system by using Kalman filter to process the sample data and intensify the dynamic tracking properties by adding feed forward. 工业机器人在特殊位形下的瞬时运动对采样数据进行卡尔曼滤波以提高控制的精度并且加入前馈增强系统的动态跟踪性能。
The adaptability and stability of this filter was studied by using it to filter the feed water of different quality in water supply plant. 通过对净水厂不同水质进水的过滤试验,研究了该型过滤器对不同水质进水过滤的适应性和长期运行的稳定性。
Then, a grid connected control strategy with filter capacitor current compensation and grid voltage feed forward is analyzed and designed. 其次,设计和分析了一种带滤波电容电流补偿和电网电压前馈环节的电感电流内环的并网控制策略。